Emerging Modern Agriculture  1920-present

1920s  The Progressive Era and World War I
1918  WW I
1925  Pfister Seed
1931  The Great Depression
1941  WW II
1950s  The Cold War Era
1955  McDonalds
1973  Ethanol
1988  Dippin' Dots
1993  Mississippi River Flooding
2017  Soy Leader
1917  Staley Bears
1923  DeKalb Seed
1929-45  The Great Depression and World War II
1940  Dairy Queen
1943  Penicillin
1950  Soybean Meal
1971  Union Stockyards
1970s to present  Moving Into the Future
1990  Soy Crayons
2006  Walmart Corn Based Packing